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Peregrine M. Kavros, PhD, MBA, MDiv

Licensed Psychologist & Certified Sex Therapist
Director, Schema Therapy Institute SouthEast

As a Schema Therapist, I am fascinated with the way in which our memories (those that can be easily called to mind, and those that cannot) continue to influence our emotions and behavior.  If an emotional reaction seems unusually painful or strong for the situation warranted, it may kindle in some way, an early memory, a belief or schema about how safe we feel in our world. This reaction may inspire a desire to freeze, escape or numb, or even react strongly (sometimes much to our surprise). The feeling may also hang around, and we continue to visit it over and over again. The emotional cost is great and it feels weighty. 

photographs of memories on top of a map

Dr. Kavros is not able to accept new clients at this time.

Other therapists who practice Schema Therapy may be found at these links:


If you are interested in changing this habitual way of reacting and improving your relationships: Schema Therapy may be a good choice for you. It was a good choice for me because I was able to move towards solution-focused strategies while also healing the gaps in attachment over my entire lifespan. 

therapist sitting across from patient

Dr. Jeffrey Young's framework and how it has evolved with evidence-based research domestically and internationally is impressive! The theory adapts multiculturally and captures the diversity that is essential in today's world.


My professional specialties lie where personal and professional lives intersect: relationships, sexual functioning, and work-related challenges. Whether issues arise in the Boardroom or the bedroom, my mission is to empower individuals and couples. Together, we will craft a results-oriented strategy that is adapted to your personality style and addresses your specific concerns. 


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© 2017 by Peregrine M. Kavros, PhD, LP, PLLC.

Schema Therapy Institute SouthEast logo design by: Yuliya Derbisheva

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